Special Education
Special education teachers, support staff, consultants, speech and psychology staff, and the administration, are dedicated and committed to increasing achievement and well-being of our exceptional students. They ensure our students try and reach their potential and achieve their dreams. Special Education is a vocation and teachers and support staff strive to do God’s work as we support students to develop into self-directed, responsible, life long learners who demonstrates a confident and positive sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare of others.
Special Education Advisory Committee
As the Special Education Advisory Committee established for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, we recognize the need for strong partnerships in our Catholic community in order to develop the unique potential of all children. We recognize that we foster each child’s uniqueness, as intended by God who created us in His own image and likeness, when we facilitate programs and services that:
- recognize the importance of all children;
- respect the unique strengths and needs of all children;
- nurture self-esteem by recognizing the talents of children as gifts from God;
- provide equity of opportunity and accessibility;
- reflect our Catholic faith and the principles of inclusion;
- promote a quality education for all.